Experiment: A stoic approach to eating
Anyone who knows me personally is likely to know that I love my food. I have never been a particularly frugal person, but when it comes to food I am especially prone to splurge. I have never regretted spending significant amounts of time and money on food. I remember cringing and pitying a famous bodybuilder - who I have enormous respect for, given his dedication and the resulting success - when he said in an interview that food, for him, is not particularly enjoyable, but just a means to an end, his physique. This is certainly understandable, given that he has very specific goals, and it can be interpreted as a stoic way of eating, removing any external emotional attachments to the food eaten. I have decided to take a different approach to "stoic eating". I will continue to enjoy my food, because it is undoubtedly one of the great pleasures in life. That said, I have found myself eating far too much and too often, mostly because of boredom, not because of hunger. This ha...