
Showing posts from January, 2017

Intro to Stoicism

The first book chosen this year is not actually a book, but a series of letters sent by Seneca to his friend Lucilius. Apparently, Seneca is what is known as a later stoic, meaning that there were others before him. I will perhaps read works by early stoics if my current study of this philosophy piques my interest, but Seneca will do to kick it off (I remember reading about Seneca's stoicism in Nassim Nicholas Taleb's work). Why stoicism? What is it, and what is its relevance to life in 2017? There are many ways to define stoicism, but it is often misunderstood as a bunch of cold, dry people with no emotions. I do not know enough about stoicism to fully rebuke this misconception, but I feel it's an unfair reputation. From what I have read thus far, stoics seem to acknowledge feelings, yet they do not let these cloud their judgment and their pursuit of a virtuous life. In fact, stoics seem to have a fairly simple recipe to happiness: virtue. This simplification comes in h